Black Bird

Jimmy Keene is sentenced to 10 years in a minimum security prison but he cuts a deal with the FBI to befriend a suspected serial killer. Keene has to elicit a confession from Larry Hall to find the bodies of as many as eighteen wo...

Duration: N/A

Quality: HD

Release: 2022


Season 1 - Black Bird
"No description"
"No description"
15 Jul 2022
"Struggling with his transition to maximum security prison, Jimmy initiates a friendship with Larry. New holes in Larry's stories are uncovered."
22 Jul 2022
"In the aftermath of a prison riot, Jimmy and Larry find themselves with time to learn more about each other."
29 Jul 2022
"Jimmy's mounting fear and paranoia compel him to provoke Larry. McCauley and Miller have a breakthrough. Larry's therapist grows concerned."
05 Aug 2022
"Jimmy reaches his breaking point. Larry becomes suspicious. McCauley and Miller talk to an important person in Larry's life."